Monday, January 17, 2011

new firefight

it is a new form of a gametype where the player gets unlimited lives and ammo and get 15 minutes to score as high as they can. i think this will make it a more fun competition between friends to get the highest score between them. i really like the unlimited ammo part because i dont run out whenever i am lucky enough to get a good gun. i also think the unlimited lives is is a good idea so i dont have to hide in a room on my last life to try and survive. i like this new gametype.

Monday, January 10, 2011

updated gametype

community slayer is now able to be played as community mlg slayer. this means that on the communities maps you can play basic slayer with no long range or power weapons allowed. this makes it more of a fair match between players. i think it is a good idea. it makes it so all the players are almost the same so all that matters is which player is actually better when they only use basic weapons. which is me because i almost always win without power weapons on normal gametype

new challenges

bungie has released a new challenge type. now you have a month to complete a massive amount of what ever the challenge requires. this also comes with new types of challenges like play all gametypes in one day and win one of each gametype in a week. i like this new idea for people who dont get on enough to do the other challenges. it makes it so they have a chance at getting bonus points anyway. i think that there should be more than one monthly challenge though. but i still like it.

more new playlists

bungie just put up new game types. there are three new gametypes. noble map pack is a gametype that they play on the new download content maps. community slayer is where players make their own maps and they can play them on xbox live with matchmaking. free for all arena is the normal arena but you dont have a team to help you. i really like this idea so that it makes the results more fair than relying on a team to help you

new maps

now bungie has two new maps call atom and atom 2.0. they are similar but also very different. atom is a very small map and can only play small gametypes. it has no long range or power weapons. atom 2.0 is a very large map that can play any gametype. my favorite is a sniper match on it.

new gametypes

recently bungie has released new gametypes to play on xbox live. they include team snipers and major leauge gaming playlists. mlg is plain maps with no power weapons. team snipers is two teams of 4 players and all they have is sniper rifles. im not very good at snipers so that doesnt really make me happy but the mlg makes all the player pretty much equal except the players them selves. like nascar how all the cars are nearlly the same but the driver is what matters.

new armour

recently bungie has released new Armour for all ranks. its call Mk iv. it is a helmet, shoulders, knees, and chest. it is unlocked at level 2 so anyone is able to have this new armour. the helmet looks extremely cool with either the black tint or the gold tint on it. it costs 100 dollars which is very cheap on the game.